ESG statement

Institutional investors worldwide rely on MSCI’s ecosystem of support for ESG investing to integrate environmental, social and governance considerations throughout their investment processes.1

From the reality of a changing climate to calls for a greener, more sustainable society, investors increasingly understand how ESG considerations can influence long-term risks and opportunities in financial markets. MSCI believes that ESG and climate factors will significantly impact the pricing of financial assets and lead to a large-scale reallocation of capital over the next decades.2

Research, ratings, indexes, models, and portfolio analytics from MSCI empower institutional owners and managers of assets in their drive to incorporate ESG into their investment strategies, embed such considerations throughout the portfolio management process, and factor ESG ratings into their fundamental company analysis.

MSCI promotes transparency across the investment value chain by making publicly available our ESG ratings of the most commonly owned companies as well as our methodologies for determining company ratings and constructing ESG indexes.

1MSCI ESG Research products and services are provided by MSCI ESG Research LLC and are designed to provide in-depth research, ratings and analysis of environmental, social and governance-related business practices to companies worldwide. MSCI ESG Research LLC is a Registered Investment Adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and a subsidiary of MSCI Inc.

2MSCI’s Principles of Sustainable Investing offer a framework designed to illustrate specific, actionable steps that investors can and should undertake to improve practices for ESG integration across the investment value chain. To learn more, please visit